USA (East)
last update: 13-sep-2022

Pictures of bowling pin collections

These collections shown:

  • Brian Bazylinski (MA)
  • Joe Conflitti (MI)
  • Rich Dziuba (MI)
  • Mark Ewen (NY)
  • Eddie Grace (MI)
  • Paul Heras (OH)
  • Chris Roth (MD)
  • Geoffrey Schieman (MD)
  • Chuck Schommer (SC)
  • Alex Smith (FL)
  • Mark & Jessica (NJ)

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Collections Netherlands
Collections USA (Central)
Collections USA (West)

collection Chuck Schommer

100+ collection mostly candle pins
Brian Bazylinski, Amesbury (MA)

80+ collection many in storage
Mark Ewen, Norwich (NY)

40+ collection on display in 2 places
Joe Conflitti, Detroit (MI)

120+ collection and bowling game
Eddie Grace, Brighton (MI)

120+ collection but not on display
Paul Heras, Dayton (OH)

100+ collection duck and tenpins
on display at Glen Burnie Bowl

Chris Roth, Silver Spring (MD)

unique 100+ duck pin collection
Geoffrey Schieman, Gambrills (MD)

1200+ collection build in 30+ years
Chuck Schommer, Columbia (SC)

 70+ collection and welcome here! 
Mark & Jessica, New Jersey (NJ) 

200+ collection in the Sunshine state
Alex Smith, Winter Haven (FL)

All pictures and names
added with permission
